Bahan-bahan/ Ingredients:
10g serbuk agar-agar konyaku/ konyaku jelly powder
220g gula kastor / caster sugar
900ml air /water
1/4 sudu teh / tea spoon asid citric /citric acid
1/4 sudu teh / tea spoon perasa / flavours - of your own choice
1 titik / drop pewarna / liquid colour - of your own choice
Nata D cocoa /canned fruit pilihan / optional
Cara / Methods:
- Panaskan air hingga mendidih. Boil the water into simmering point.
- Campurkan gula kastor dan agar-agar konyaku. Tuang ke dalam air tadi. Mix well , konyaku jelly powder and caster sugar . Pour into simmering boiling water
- Kecilkan api. Kacau selalu 5 min. Turn to small flame and keep stirring for 5 mins.
- Padamkan api. Masukkan asid citric, pewarna dan perasa ke dalamnya. Kacau rata. Turn off the flame. Stir well. Add in citric acid, liquid colouring and flavour into solution. Stir well.
- Tuang separuh penuh ke dalam acuan plastik. Selebihnya biarkan atas api yang kecil. Apabila hampir beku, masukkan nata d cocoa dan tuang lebihan jeli yang masih cair sehingga acuan penuh. Sejukkan sebelum dihidangkan. Half fill the plastic muolds with the jelly solution. For the remaining jelly solution, keep it warm over small flame. When the jelly in the moulds are semi set, put in pieces of fruits.Fill the mould to the brim with the rest of the jelly solution. Chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to set.
Cubalah..try it
Pn Rafidah
Peti Surat 298
36000 Teluk Intan
Perak, West Malaysia
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